Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate

Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a white crystalline compound with the chemical formula Ca(NO3)2·4H2O. It is commonly used in various industrial and agricultural applications. In this article, we will explore the properties, uses, and benefits of calcium nitrate tetrahydrate.

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Properties of Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate

Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a water-soluble compound that is highly hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs moisture from the air. It has a molecular weight of 236.15 g/mol and a density of 1.82 g/cm3. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a stable compound that decomposes at high temperatures to form calcium oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen.

Uses of Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate

Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate has a wide range of uses in various industries. Here are some of the most common uses of calcium nitrate tetrahydrate:

1. Agriculture: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is commonly used in agriculture as a fertilizer. It is a source of both calcium and nitrogen, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is also used to improve soil structure and increase the efficiency of other fertilizers.

2. Concrete: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is used in the production of concrete as a setting accelerator. It helps to speed up the curing process and increase the strength of the concrete.

3. Wastewater Treatment: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is used in wastewater treatment as a source of nitrate ions. Nitrate ions are used to promote the growth of bacteria that break down organic matter in the wastewater.

4. Pyrotechnics: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is used in the production of pyrotechnics, such as fireworks. It is used as an oxidizer and can help to produce bright, colorful flames.

Benefits of Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate

Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate has several benefits, including:

1. Essential Nutrients: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a source of both calcium and nitrogen, which are essential nutrients for plant growth.

2. Versatile: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate has a wide range of uses in various industries, making it a highly versatile compound.

3. Environmentally Friendly: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a relatively safe and environmentally friendly compound.

4. Efficient: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate can increase the efficiency of other fertilizers and improve soil structure, which can help to increase crop yields.


Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is a versatile and widely used compound that has many different applications in various industries. It is commonly used as a fertilizer in agriculture, as a setting accelerator in the production of concrete, and as a source of nitrate ions in wastewater treatment. Overall, calcium nitrate tetrahydrate is an important and valuable compound that plays a critical role in many different industries.

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