EDTA-4Na is the abbreviated name for Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt. It is a white, odorless, and water-soluble crystalline powder with the chemical formula C10H12N2Na4O8. EDTA-4Na is commonly used in various industrial and pharmaceutical applications. In this article, we will explore the properties, uses, and benefits of EDTA-4Na.

The scientist test the natural product extract, oil and biofuel solution, in the chemistry laboratory

Properties of EDTA-4Na

EDTA-4Na is a water-soluble compound with a molecular weight of 380.17 g/mol. It has a melting point of 250-260 °C and is highly soluble in water. EDTA-4Na is a chelating agent, which means it has the ability to bind to metal ions, such as calcium and magnesium, and remove them from a solution.

Uses of EDTA-4Na

EDTA-4Na has a wide range of uses in various industries. Here are some of the most common uses of EDTA-4Na:

1. Industrial Applications: EDTA-4Na is used in various industrial applications, such as in the production of soaps, detergents, and water treatment chemicals. It is often used as a chelating agent to remove metal ions from solutions.

2. Pharmaceuticals: EDTA-4Na is used in pharmaceuticals as a chelating agent to remove heavy metal ions from the body. It is also used in the production of some drugs, such as antibiotic medications.

3. Food and Beverage: EDTA-4Na is used in the food and beverage industry as a preservative and to stabilize colors. It is often found in canned fruits and vegetables, carbonated beverages, and wine.

4. Cosmetics: EDTA-4Na is used in cosmetics as a preservative and to enhance the effectiveness of other ingredients.

Benefits of EDTA-4Na

EDTA-4Na has several benefits, including:

1. Chelating Properties: EDTA-4Na is a chelating agent, meaning it has the ability to bind to metal ions and remove them from solutions. This makes it useful in various industrial, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage applications.

2. Stabilizing Properties: EDTA-4Na has stabilizing properties, making it useful in preserving food, beverage, and cosmetic products.

3. Versatility: EDTA-4Na has a wide range of uses in various industries, making it a highly versatile and valuable compound.

4. Safety: EDTA-4Na is a relatively safe compound that is not known to cause any significant health risks.


EDTA-4Na is a highly versatile and widely used compound that plays a critical role in various industries. It is commonly used in industrial applications, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and cosmetics. EDTA-4Na is a chelating agent and has stabilizing properties, making it useful in various applications. Overall, EDTA-4Na is an important and valuable compound that has a wide range of applications in various industries.

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